Building The Memorial
Albert Pike once said, “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Honoring the Gold Star Families who lost loved ones in the following conflicts:
We are building a lasting memorial, dedicated to those from Warren County Missouri who made the ultimate sacrifice on the field of battle for this great Nation.
This memorial will consist of a monument wall of Missouri Red Granite eighteen feet long, six feet high and one foot thick. The front will have a black granite inlay with twelve inch cast bronze lettering “Some Gave All”. On the back we currently have seventy-two (72) names of Warren County, Missouri Veterans who paid the supreme sacrifice listed by conflict and branch of service.
Bronze statue of a Battlefield Cross with the Gold Star Mother and Child will be facing both the battlefield memorial and the granite memorial wall. Flags representing the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines will adorn the outer perimeter of the monument with the American Flag & POW Flags at the center. Monument, statues and each flag will be illuminated, making them visible 24 hours a day.
Paver Program
The original Paver Program ended on March 1, 2018. Thank you to everyone who purchased a paver, your support is truly appreciated. We are now selling an additional 200 pavers. Please click here to download an application Paver Application
The Battlefield Cross
(Submitted by a Warren County Veteran) There are a few in our community who know the full impact of this symbol… Soldiers who have seen a buddy for the last time, as they are dusted off in a helicopter or plane, never to be seen or heard from again, know full well the meaning. The symbol of a soldiers passing in combat to their fellow soldiers is his rifle with fixed bayonet, helmet, boots and dog tags struck in the soil of a foreign land.
A service held in some remote fire-base or basecamp lead by a chaplain, speaks to the heart of that soldiers remaining friends. They in turn, would reflect on their sorrow, guilt and fears. These young men and women took an oath to our constitution and bill of rights to protect our county from enemies without and within. Some, when they join, have thoughts of youthful adventure and patriotism. They knew the sacrifice it might entail, but surely it would not be them… The true reality of that final commitment would come to many thousands violent, irrevocable and final. …and then one of the saddest sounds a soldier can endure; TAPS in a foreign land.”